Tag Archives: women’s ministry

David and Goliath valley

Adventures with God

Adventures with God

We stood on the hill top and envisioned David’s brave confrontation with the giant in the valley below. When the dirt beneath your feet is the same dirt that powdered the combatant’s feet, the previously mythic becomes very material.Adventure with God

At our leader’s invitation, Randy and I spoke on the precipice of that hill to our Israel tour companions about our thoughts gleaned from 1Samuel 17. We shared how we can “bank” faith compounded on our previous adventures with God—That we should take risks to right wrongs that are offensive to Him—And we are free to be ourselves as we respond to God’s assignments with the unique set of strengths and limitations we own.

“We also stand off against an enemy who would have us believe we are merely skinny kids. The reality is that we, in our mortality and humanity are outmatched. But the realities that were true for David are true for us. This means we too are responsible to live with awareness of what is going on around us and taking responsibility for it.” 

After our devotional, one of our team approached us weeping. She thanked us for speaking especially to her. She said, “I have allowed fear to control me my whole life! We prayed with her that God would use the picture of this valley and her internal vision of David’s dual to help her trust God with her fear and grow her faith. Then I picked up a small smooth stone and gave it to her. “Let this be your Ebenezer- your monument to help you remember this moment, this picture and this prayer.

“The Ebenezer stone represented a fresh beginning, a reversal of course for God’s people. It also said something important about God: his mercies are everlasting; his covenant is forever.”~ from the website Another Think-One Christian’s View of Postmodern Life

The trip to Israel was life-changing for every one of us. It will enrich our teaching and my writing in countless ways. For this woman, it meant beginning again with fresh faith and the awareness that she doesn’t have to be the hero of her own story. God already is.


personal evangelism guide

What Caught Your Eye? – Women’s ministry

Close Encounters of the God Kind.

woman-with-dark-sunglassesWhat caught your eye this summer? How green everything was after June’s deluge? The comparative scarcity of traffic during rush hour? That girls’ shorts were getting awkwardly short again? I have been on a journey of intentionally noticing people…and trying to influence others to do the same. It has amazed me how many people carry their feelings close to the surface and are actually relieved to find someone with whom to share them.

All it takes is awareness, eye contact, a bit of courage, and a few words- and an ordinary encounter can become a divine appointment. This past summer, I had three memorable moments when I knew for sure that God had orchestrated a meeting. One was with Margaret, a recent widow who greatly needed both someone with whom she could share memories of her beloved husband, and the hope that she could one day see him again. Elizabeth was hiding from her co-workers in a parking lot outside her office building, desperate for wisdom to face some big decisions that changes in her workplace demanded. Geri is a Mormon woman I met in the gym last week. She is new in Calgary and asked quite a few questions. Upon finding I write books about how to live with purpose, she confessed needing all the help she could get after recently divorcing her bi-polar husband, the father of her six kids.

Someone once said that most people are only three questions away from tears. I have no problem believing that is true. What an opportunity for the intuitive, Spirit-led believer. We know where community, comfort, and wisdom are found! Whether our encounters are with strangers, co-workers, or neighbours, we have a responsibility and an opportunity to direct people to Christ and His Body.

This fall as I address people in six live venues, I will be challenging them with an acronym I’ve created to make personal evangelism easy: LIFT

L is for LOOK- Notice the people around you, try to discern their emotions, and ask yourself what you could say to open a conversation with them that demonstrates genuine concern.

I is for INTERCEDE- Pray for them and your interaction with them.

F is for FRIEND- In this case “friend” is a verb like on FaceBook. Reach Out!

T is for TALK- Eventually you may be invited to speak about your faith. Don’t miss the opportunity.

LIFT (1)

Everyone has a sphere of influence. I can’t LIFT the people in your world and you can’t LIFT the people in mine. That’s why God needs us all to see the people around us with spiritual eyes. Your gifts and prayers will enable me to spread this message.


If you’d like book Donna to speak at your event, retreat or gathering please contact her office at admin@straighttalkministries.com or fill out the form on the contact page!