What kind of legacy will you leave?

Do you ever wonder about what kind of legacy you will leave?


You and I want to be remembered as lovers of people, changers of destinies, givers of hope.

So what’s stopping us?  For some people it’s the feeling of insignificance, of being void of the ability and personality to redemptively influence others.  It all feels so big and overwhelming.  We look at our little collection of gifts and knowledge and think, what can I possibly do to make a lasting difference?  For some people all that stops them is knowing how.

There is a strategy that every single person can do.  All you need to do is LIFT. Lift others up. Be a lifter!  It’s a simple acronym for a 4 part strategy you can use to become a restorer of the people in your world.  You have a unique sphere of influence.

LIFT (1)

L – look.  Simply look around you.  Look at who God has placed in your path.

I – intercede.  Pray daily for those God placed in your life.  Pray for the needs we know they have and ask God to use those needs to draw their attention to their greatest need: their need to know God.

F – friend.  Show your friendship to them in practical ways: bring meals, offer to host baby showers, help with a move.  It’s a choice to get involved, it’s not a short term project, but a long term commitment.

T – talk.  This isn’t about trying to shoehorn a memorized gospel presentation into a casual conversation about gardening.  It’s about honestly answering questions that arise out of the authentic quality of your life and your faith.

LIFT others.  It’s the most important thing you can ever do, and the only way to enter eternity with no regrets.

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